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Things have been going rather slowly recently, even slower than normal.

Highlights from the past month include the heavy rain downpours and thunderstorms which caused power cuts and killed our MEO set-top box. It even damaged the UPS so the USB connection to the server no longer works.

But the work continues inside the house.

Having constructed all the Ikea cabinets for the bedroom wardrobes I had to make some nice doors. For this I used plywood faced with Eucalyptus veneer and banded the edges with plain pine wood. In addition to the doors there are the panels above the doors to take the feature to the ceiling. So, we have very high cupboards for storing things that we never wish to see again.

With just some of the doors sized and fitted it is starting to take shape.

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And after fitting all the doors and panels and then varnishing the whole, we think it looks quite good. No handles, just push to unlatch then open. It does help to remember which are the hinge edges on the doors because pushing on the wrong side is pretty frustrating.

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It was not possible to get a photo without the light fitting and show the ceiling profile.

Janet had a few days off work recently and we spent one afternoon putting up the wallpaper in the living room. It goes very well in the room with the grey scheme.

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I just realised that I failed to post pictures of the other wallpapers that we have put in the office and bedroom - so here goes.

In the office/spare bedroom there is a nice stripey wall.

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And I put a couple of strips in the boring, plain white panels on the wardrobe doors.

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In the bedroom there is a calming cloudy wallpaper with flying birds dotted over it, not that you can see it in the dark.

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