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Edit: Since posting the original message the window supplier has informed me that they will be installing the new items tomorrow - yippee!!

Due to the existing Coronavirus restrictions our visits to the house are limited, and may be stopped completely if things get worse, but obviously we'll try to continue the work.

At the moment we are using common sense and keeping to the rules, we do not encounter other people during a journey to the house and back.

Basically, the most dangerous part is leaving the apartment, but careful use of a disinfected cloth allows us to push buttons and operate doors with impunity.

There was good news from both the window and kitchen suppliers last week in that the windows and door are just waiting for the glass to be be delivered, they will hopefully be ready soon.

The kitchen is still scheduled for installation in mid April and they are still working on that basis.

We are keeping fingers crossed for these events.

The progress has been limited to preparing the walls and ceiling for painting over the past week so not much to report. Next week - more piccies.

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