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Coronavirus has slowed everything down to a crawl.

But creeping forward with the kitchen I managed to collect the new granite window sills ordered two weeks ago and they are a perfect fit, thank you to Granidarte in Fundão.

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Most of the plasterboard in the kitchen is now installed and I have started applying the joint filler. We are concentrating on the business end of the kitchen because the new windows and door are probably going to take even longer now. Still hopeful that the kitchen supplier can get their part of the task done in the agreed time. Fingers remain crossed.

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Squatter in the workshop

Whilst we have been transferring various items from the apartment to the new house and storing these in the workshop space, unknown to us a non rent paying resident has been busy making a home.

Unfortunately, it is directly above where we are storing most of the stuff. Not a great photo, it is quite dark in there, but you can just make out a little head peeping at me over the top of the nest. I'm not sure if those electrical cables are live, the boxes were already open and I have not yet had chance to test that section yet. I can't get up there because all our boxes are now in the way!

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