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Nah, that headline was just to fool you.

As we have come to expect, the kitchen installation has been delayed once again. Previously scheduled for 15th/16th April, that date has come and gone and the latest estimate is now 'by the end of the month'.

So we'll wait and see which month. In the meantime, we have been decorating more of the main room. The kitchen area is complete and ready for the actual units to be fitted. We have the fridge, cooker, microwave, sink and tap, and the extractor hood. The gas supply has been installed and a new gas bottle awaits the christening.

Everything is painted and cleaned, all we need now is some good luck and a supplier to complete their part of the bargain.

Preparations are also well under way for sorting out the back room but we really, really need to get some floor tiles before the real work can begin.

Coronavirus is making things so difficult. Since the local furnishing shops are closed Janet has been busy making up some temporary curtains so that we can move in as soon as the kitchen is complete - did I mention that we are still waiting for the kitchen?

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