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As agreed, the work began rebuilding the garden wall just a couple of days ago.

A bleary-eyed 7am start was not very welcome for a Monday - but certainly pleasing that the work was going on.

By 8am around half of the existing wall had been taken down and the rebuilding was under way.

After examining the remaining structure and taking measurements, it was decided that my original plan would have to be modified. I had envisioned a neat set of four levels, stepping down the slope of our street, with each level being 5m long, incorporating two fence panels. However, to keep some of the existing wall that is in good condition we compromised on just three levels. Unfortunately, this involves slightly higher steps and the posts that I had already bought would not be long enough to accommodate these steps. I had to rush out and source two longer posts so that the work could carry on.

After three days of work, the wall looks much neater, all the posts are fixed in place, and there is perhaps ½ day of work remaining.

IMG 4798

IMG 4797

Nearly there and surely complete before the calçeteiro commences the work on the driveway. 

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