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The sunshine has been ever present over the past few weeks and the garden has thoroughly enjoyed it, from the flowers to the fruit.

Janet's sunflowers have really flourished, starting from simple seeds, many of them are now well over 6 feet tall and still growing, unlike Janet.

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We still have at least one snake living around the place, it is not in the house so that is a good thing. I suspect it lives inside the drainage pipe leading from the railway station car park as it always sheds the old skin in that corner of the garden.

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In the vegetable patch some of the produce has gone past a useable stage but others are still growing well.

The baby pumpkin is filling out nicely.

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The cucumbers are stretching out in the sunshine.

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The tomatoes are coming along well and some have already changed colour in the few days between taking the photo' and posting this page.

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The fruit trees are also enjoying the weather and we're hoping for a decent crop again this year.

The peaches are just beginning to change colour, we only have three or four on the tree but, compared to last year when the result was zero and we were not even sure that the tree would survive, this is a bonus.

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The plums appear to be smaller than last year but just as prolific. The tree pruning was apparently a success.

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Baby avocados are all over the tree again this year but with much less tree we should have less fruit to try and use.

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