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With the hot, hot weather over the past few weeks, we are spending much more time indoors and less in the garden.

But that does not mean we have abandoned it.

Yes, the grass has grown out of control in places and nature has taken advantage - that is a good thing.

In addition, Janet spotted the nest of a small bird in our smallest orange tree, the tiny bird flew off once disturbed, too quickly to identify but I think it may be a chiff-chaff. There are at least 3 eggs in the nest so we are now giving the birds and their home a lot of private space to be happy. It is a concern that the nest is less than 2m from the ground and we have so many wild cats around as well as the climbing snakes, but nature takes its chances.

We can just make out a few tiny eggs in the nest compared to the baby orange fruit.

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Another regular visitor is usually very shy but this year is quite interested in the sunflowers, calling by often to feed on, or around the flower heads.

The goldfinches are very pretty.

Actually posing while I snapped a picture through the new clear window in the back door.

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Maybe we can get some pictures of the more exotic species, if and when they visit.


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