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... or at least one of his cousins.

I had difficulty accessing one of the cameras which I had set up in the workshop looking out over the garden. It had previously been working fine and I wondered if the recent storms had damaged it after a couple of close lightning strikes knocked out the power.

Looking up to the hole in the workshop wall I could not see the camera and had a sudden thought that someone had stolen it, why and how?.

Once in the workshop I could see the camera on the floor with the power plug disconnected - obviously this is why I could not access it over the network.

The next surprise was when I climbed up and looked at the place where I had placed it.

Curled up in the space was what, at first sight, appeared to be the snake which I spotted a few weeks ago but after a few moments it was obvious that here was a different species, very likely a 'horseshoe whip' snake..

I can only imagine that he'd pushed the camera out of the way to get to his prime hunting spot.



It tried to hide in the holes inside the bricks but it could only get a small section in. I managed a few photos from the stepladder before it got fed up and slipped away along the door beam.


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