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Another two days of frenzied work on the roof, things are taking shape nicely. By the end of the second day all of the old structure has been removed and the space cleared ready for the new steel beams.

IMG 2746

I am still in awe that the 'floor' has not collapsed, though there are a few more holes where heavy feet have gone through. Much of the wood is not even fit for burning.

IMG 2753

And some of the masonry work is not too impressive.

IMG 2757

The electrics for the entire floor below was supplied courtesy of a single 1mm² twin core cable (no earthing of course) which was effectively wired directly into the electricity meter, no fuse or other protection!

The cables simply pass through holes in the ceiling and are clipped directly to the wall.

IMG 2754

IMG 2756

Next stage for the team is to construct the metal beams and locate them into position.

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