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After losing a whole week due to a bout of suspected food poisoning I was able to get back to the painting.

This phase was at the rear side of the house and was fairly easy as the scaffolding could be placed on level ground.

Having said that, I had to be creative to make the scaffold span the outside steps and it took a bit of thought to get a stable structure.

It took a week to do the wall in three sections, moving the scaffold after each section.

The grey highlights around the windows and doors looks quite good and the upper door now doesn't look as though it is floating.

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We still have to finish the grey 'skirt' around the house but that does not require the scaffold.

And, finally, the clear canopy over the doors will give some protection from the rain - if it ever returns to our area.

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The next painting phase is on the roadside of the house and we need a licence from the Junta to place the scaffold on the public road.

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