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We are constantly disappointed by the delays in getting contractors to work on the house.

Work on the new floor in the dungeon should have started in June but this now seems to have been pushed back until the end of August at the soonest.

There is a great deal of work to do which we desperately hope to be complete before Winter arrives, not least of which is the outside rendering which needs a significant drying time before it can be painted.

In the meanwhile, we decided to attempt pointing around the granite blocks which make up the internal walls of the dungeon. After many hours of scraping out the existing mud, chipping off the cement left by the previous work on the ceiling, and finding replacement blocks for those which were missing, we have almost finished the process.

Although it doesn't look too bad from a distance, it does need to have a smooth finishing layer applied which we think should be a lighter colour.

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One great advantage of working down here is that it is so much cooler than outside which means that once the sun comes round to the garden side of the house the work outside stops and we move down here to escape the blistering heat. There have been a few days where temperatures have passed 40°C - impossible to work outside.

IMG 3569

There is still work to do around the edges, mainly at the top and bottom, and in the window cavities, but it is much better than it was.

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