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While we wait for the new door and windows to be installed the work inside the house has slowed dramatically. However, there is still some investigation work to do.

Quality work - Not!

A basic modification is to change one of the kitchen lights from a single switch to a two-way circuit.

So, upon opening the switch plate we discover the demon electrician has been at work again. I'm sure that all cables in a switch circuit are considered as live conductors, or maybe I was not paying attention during that part of the course.

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I hope I never become this lazy or cheap with my work.

Who knows what I'll find when I take down the associated light fittings but I suppose I'd better be wearing my rubber boots, rubber gloves and rubber pants with elasticated legs.

Garden Work

Anyway, with the weather slightly better we can make more progress outside.

Janet is keen to get the garden tidied up and find out what all the existing plants are.

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Looking much better now at the back of the house having cleared a huge pile of leaves and cut down a sprawling plant with no name.

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Janet is starting a compost heap with all the dead leaves and other stuff being dug up.

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