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Although much of our time (and expense) has gone into the roof repairs in recent weeks, the garden is still receiving some attention.

We harvested a few kilos of the persimmon fruits and apples from which we made various puddings, cakes and some jam.

Lots of apples were spoiled by the insects but we are determined not to use chemical pesticides on the land.

Significantly more persimmon were left wasted on the tree, too high to collect and the birds obviously enjoy the sweet fruit once it reaches a very ripe state.

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Now that we have identified all of the trees we will be able to prune and train as appropriate to make fruit production more successful. We also plan to grow a variety of vegetables in the new year and have prepared a section of the land about 55m² for this.

Lots of work digging, turning the soil and discarding weed roots seems to have worked out nicely. The recent rain has helped by softening the soil.

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Janet's new fig tree is more like a twig at the moment, hopefully it is not suffering with the much wetter and cooler weather and will grow big and fruitful like those in neighbouring gardens.

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One comment on “Autumn time in the garden”

  • Wow, very productive, well hopefully it will be. The difficult bit is to keep the weeds and grass from growing back. Look forward to seeing it green with crops.

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