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On the assumption that the floor would be installed in time, we placed a significant order with IKEA for delivery on Wednesday 11th, the email confirmed the date and promised a time between 9am and 7pm. Given the size of the order, four large furniture units, three smaller furniture items and a load of wardrobe cabinets, we hoped that the order would arrive in the afternoon at latest.

A couple of days earlier we had ordered the new settee and matching armchair, the sofa was in stock at a different store but the chair would have to be made. So we assumed that there would be a delay in getting the delivery.

Wrong on all those assumptions !

The phone call to arrange delivery of the sofa came on Wednesday and told us the delivery would be on Thursday morning around 9:30. That should be fine, once the IKEA stuff had arrived we would build the units for the living room and place the settee when it arrived.

During the afternoon we duly waited, and waited, and waited for the KEA delivery. 7pm came and went, 8pm came and went, then at about 8:20 a telephone call said they would arrive in thirty minutes - great !.

By 8:45pm it is already getting dark in our sheltered spot below the hills and the van turned up with just one person to unload the 72 items many of which were not small or light. Our only sensible option was to put everything in the 'dungeon' because it would be too dangerous to try and bring it all up the back stairs in the semi-darkness.

We simply unloaded the boxes and sent the guy on his way.

Over the next 40 minutes Janet and I sorted through the boxes and brought those destined for the living room furniture into the house ready to start assembling first thing the next morning.

To be continued ...

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