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After struggling with Wordpress for some time I have been looking for a replacement CMS to present and manage our website. The Drupal and Joomla! packages that are included with the Synology Diskstation were difficult to fathom, and both are outdated. I took the decision to manually install the latest Joomla! version and found it much easier to comprehend than the older version. The basic template included was perfectly adequate to get going with and the design of Joomla! makes it very easy to modify the system and include features that are not present by default. 

It has so far taken a couple of months of part time learning to get to grips with it but the result is our new look website which we hope you will visit regularly.

You will see that the presentation is, by default, 'responsive' to the type of browser being used, whether on a desktop PC, a tiny mobile device or a large TV screen, the display automatically adapts to the screen being used.

There are still some ongoing tasks to do with the site:

Primarily, translating the existing content to Portuguese where necessary. Most of the new structure is already available in both languages but the content has to be translated on an individual basis. Where appropriate, new posts will be created in both English and Portuguese .

Secondly, and less pressing, task is to create new features within the website - there may be some surprises.


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