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A couple of years ago we had birds nesting in the workshop. The nest was high up in the structure of the building.

This year they are back, and a little more brave.

I hadn't noticed, but they must have been busy for some time, building a new nest almost out of sight. I knew they were probably doing so because I would often be greeted by angry chirping when I went into my workshop, and even though I looked for the nest it was not obvious. I was looking in the wrong areas.

The reason is that they have just used a spare space on one of my shelf racks.

As before, these are black redstarts, quite common here and pretty distinct.

Anyway, I needed a length of rope for a task in the house, and when I found the rope it was at the edge of their nest, right there on top of my racking, next to the blue paper towel roll.

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I carefully removed my rope so as not to disturb the nest, the birds had already flown away, they do not tolerate too much human presence.

I had to find a step up to see into the nest, I saw the four eggs, so the nest must stay.

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The location of this nest is slightly worrying as it is not so high to be out of reach to the many cats that frequent my workshop, and certainly within easy reach of any snakes that get in there.

I will monitor the situation and wait until after Summer to remove the nest.

As a peace offering, I intend to make and fit a few shelves, high up on the walls, so that next year the birds may nest safely out of my way, and hopefully out of danger.


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