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A few weeks ago we took a drive up the mountain. It was a sunny day and pretty warm as usual here in Fundão when we set off. By the time we'd reached the summit things were quite different. No snow of course as the Summer was still with us but much chillier, at least 10 degrees lower. Still, not a problem for a Northerner and even though I took my fleece jacket it wasn't needed.

We walked around the Torre, checked out the old buildings and watched the large birds of prey soaring around. Too distant to work out what species they were but impressive all the same.

After an obligatory trip to the visitor centre to buy some local ham, cheese and cake we lunched on ham and cheese sandwiches! - also prepared with the local produce and enjoyed a small cup of local vinho tinto, gratis as a reward for buying from the vendor.

Next we took a walk around the mountain, that presented some other surprises, a rock pool with tadpoles - in October. Also, a reminder that I should have taken my walking boots when a slippery rock surface took my feed away and I was lucky not to get injured.

Here is a short silent movie from part of the drive back down from the mountain, where the road encounters some nice bends, views and a hole in the rock.

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