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Once again, a big delay for an updated post here, but there has been little to report.

We still await confirmation that we can actually purchase the house that we have been trying to secure for the past 10 weeks. We are still hoping.

After a very hectic period driving Janet to Porto airport on Sunday afternoon then driving back on Monday evening to pick her up again (almost 1100km), we had a superb day out for Janet's birthday. Catching the first train to Lisbon got us into the city at about 11:30 and we immediately headed to the pastelaria for coffee and cakes.

We then took a gentle stroll along the riverside to the oceanarium. The exhibition is excelent, the largest indoor aquarium in Europe with dozens of species on display - including an Ocean Sunfish, one of the more bizairre. Lots of 'side' exhibits and a temporary display of tropical waterscapes designed by Takashi Amano in recognition of Portugal's influence on Japan over the past few hundered years.

After spending nearly four hours viewing the fishes it was time for a feed. There is a perectly acceptable restaurant/cafe at the oceanarium so we ate there. Prata do dia and a pseudo tiramisu, excellent!

Then it was time for a bit of shopping, Janet was looking for new Summer dresses. Thankfully, the first shop had seating next to the changing rooms so, along with a couple of other abandoned husbands, I had a nice rest while she tried on a few different options. The clothes were good so no need to vsit every other shop in town, we paid and took a slow walk back to the station. Unusually, the train was delayed. The platform was very busy and the following train was also delayed so, when a train arrived, we were unsure which one it was, it is impossible to hear the announcements over the noise of the station. Rather than miss ours, we boarded the train, we had first class tickets so our seats were near the buffet section, we asked the attendant there which train we were on and she confirmed it was bound for Covilhã - panic over! This was the last train to get us home.

By the time we reached Fundão the train was only about 10 minutes delayed and the day was still good.

Excluding the clothes and other birthday purchases, a day out via first class public transport to visit one of the biggest attractions in the capital city, for two people, including food, less than 150€. Love it !!

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