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Once again, a delay in getting the latest post published, things are becoming quite hectic around here again.

Christmas and the New Year are well and truly behind us, Janet's major present that I ordered from UK in November still has not arrived, no news or information, I doubt that we will see that now - at least I received a refund, which of course was less than the original purchase price due to currency conversion.

The work on the old part of the house has continued, we have finally demolished all of the remaining walls and were left with tons, literally, of rubble to dispose of. Fortunately we had help from one of Janet's work colleagues who provided transport for us to donate the rubble to someone who needed it. Everything works out in the end!

So, by the last day of January, we have a completely cleared space 'upstairs' in the house.

IMG 2978

IMG 2979

Of course there was still a lot of wood to deal with, firewood for the next two Winters probably.

Janet was getting to grips with the sliding mitre saw and cutting it all into manageable chunks before the room was finally cleared.

IMG 2988

We removed so much weight off the old floor that the main beams have lifted by about 6mm, so much that the temporary support post that I jammed under one of the joists simply loosened and fell over.

IMG 2997

Now everything is ready for the guys to work on installing the new floor.

IMG 2982

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