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As part of Janet's food garden she has a herb bed planned. Located just to the side of the house within easy reach of the kitchen for the master cook to pop out to grab the necessary leaves and twigs.

The original idea was to build a raised bed structure from wooden beams liberated from the house demolition or even new wood from the supplier. The old wood from the house really is only worth burning, virtually none of it is straight and much of it has also been subject to woodworm attack.

I then thought that a 'box' built from concrete building blocks would be ideal, easy to construct and not particulary expensive. So my mind wandered even further, what if the 'box' could be delivered pre-made ?

So we have round concrete 'boxes'.

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Yes, they are underground drain pipes also used as well liners. They are 1m diameter and ½m long (high!), supplied within about a week by Sebastião at Monteprazeres.

Because they are higher than ground level we need to fill them with rubble and soil - luckily we have tons and tons of this from the excavations in the 'dungeon' and can certainly spare around 6m³ for these plant pots.

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Now someone needs to get the wheelbarrow into action.


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