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Today I have been going through some old folders of photographs on the server and reorganising the pictures for the album.

Here is a gem that I had forgotten about from 2019.

We were considering buying a house in Souto da Casa near Fundão. We really liked this house and, after waiting for a number of months for the owners to agree on the sale, we gave up and consequently found our current house which we are very happy with.

Let's not bother with asking what is wrong with it, I wonder if anyone can find anything right with this electrical consumer unit?

I must emphasize categorically that this is not my work.

 IMG 20190904 135506

It is apparently suitable for a 4 bedroom, two storey, dwelling in this part of the world and based upon other contents of the house was home to small children.

The box was already open when we visited the house, I assume that the previous person who opened it up simply turned around and ran away.

As the saying goes,  'caveat emptor'.

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