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After many aborted attempts to find a house or farm to buy and live in, or at least buy and renovate, we are currently at the offer stage for a property in Vale de Prazeres (the valley of pleasure!) near Fundão.

It has been a long, frustrating struggle, an offer we placed on a property in February is still unresolved and that has been deemed dead for some time. We saw a few ruins in some very nice locations but, in order to get a house of both the size and quality we need, the cost for building remains way out of our budget.

We concluded that to buy a house with a little land and then renovate over time after moving out of the apartment seems to be the best option. This venture will eat up all of our savings in one go but will naturally provide a purpose for moving forward. There will be lots of work to do and plenty of learning into the bargain.

Bring it on ....

Just waiting for the owners to agree to the price and terms and then we can make it happen.

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