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After a fortnight living out of a suitcase in a single hotel room, relying on friends or public 'transport' to get around, and combined with the unpleasant environment of unruly thugs and the saddening number of rough sleepers, I am really happy to be back. Yes, it was great to meet up with old friends.

The theatre performance was superb and the whole team were easily up to their usual standard, I hope that I made my contribution.

I did enjoy some of the food that I'd missed since being in Portugal - a decent curry, steak pie, fish & chips and sausage rolls being some. But that was a treat.

I wonder if, after the planned visit at Christmas, will we ever return to UK ?  Each week that goes by suggests not.

We are just about to embark on a mission to procure somewhere that we can live the rest of our lives in peace and harmony, close to nature. We are not eco-warriors and the thought of living entirely 'off grid' in a straw and mud hut seems a little too extreme, to have a small isolated house to live in and some land to cultivate is our goal.

Wish us luck.

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